Andreas Winkelmann wrote:
> On Friday 12 January 2007 00:54, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
>> Got a problem I hope someone can answer.  This is my situation.  My home
>> office (i.e. mail relay) uses MS Exchange.  It seems it will only listen
>> on port 25.  
> The Port is configurable. And you can add additional Ports of course.
Just to be sure I we are understanding each other, you are saying it IS
possible for MS Exchange to listen on other ports?  I definitely think
this is the correct way to solve this problem, but if it is possible do
you know how (or any links to some info).  I was under the understanding
it wasn't possible to change it (but they are Windows admins and not
used to the freedom of choice).  BTW, it seems to be Exchange 6.5.
Thanks much for your help, your email confirms much of what I had found
by testing and more testing.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2 x86_64

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