On Monday 15 January 2007 18:43, John Andersen wrote:
> On Monday 15 January 2007 19:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Just saw the previous thread on .thumnails, but it went off topic. There
> > is something wrong with the way these thumbnails are created, because it
> > takes for ever and a day for each one. I use them whenever I access my
> > digital pictures, the same pics that I have backed up on the wife's
> > windoze machine. It can take 4-5 minutes to generate the thumbnails for a
> > 300 pic directory in my 64 bit xp-3800+, the exact same thing takes about
> > 15 sec in a 32 bit amd 2000+ running windoze. After generating them,
> > opening the directory in the "doze" machine in thumbnail view is
> > instantaneous, in my linux it still takes about 5-6 seconds. Why such a
> > huge speed descrepancy?
> Look at Kong settings / Preview and metadats.
> If you select the option to use previews embedded in the files I suspect
> it may have to read the original images looking for previews.  Also thre is
> a slider there for size.  Perhaps yours are set too big?
> --
> _____________________________________
> John Andersen

Thanks John, tried that. the default metadata file size is 3mb. while that 
seems huge to me, I left it there, as my ./thumbnails/normal dir has about 
35000 files, yes, that's a lot of pictures but not all 35000 are pictures, 
there is a lot more there, probably all dirs i opened in icon view, but it 
only takes up about 450  mb, the smallest file in thumbnails is 287 bytes, 
the largest 45k. I unchecked the "use imbedded thumbnail", it seems to make 
no difference on file opening time. If i move the thumbnails dir to trash or 
rename it, opening digital image folders in icon view  is agonizingly slow 
until the thumbnails are recreated. btw, it took about 15 minutes to open 
the ./thumbnails/normal folder in ...icon view...
Unless my plain jane standard 10.2 install has some unknown to me tweaks, I 
think here is an opportunity for some keyboard wizard to make things more 
better in a big way...
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