Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Sergey Mkrtchyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-15-07 15:36]:
Yes, I'm running 10.0, but YaST brought it's "No Results" for
checkinstall. Anyway, I've already downloaded and installed it from

I hope a "SUSE or openSUSE" rpm.....  Others use different locations
for system files.

Yes it was for SuSE 10.x system... I just didn't find that from Packman.

I don't understand not finding it in YaST.  Is is 'provided' on the
install dvd for 10.0 as well as every version I have installed since
8.0, iirc.

But it was not on my DVD, I've checked it. Even more, there were nothing for gsl package...

Note that *all* of the required supplementary packages must exist.  And
checkinstall must be ran as 'root'.

I spend all morning figuring that out and, first of all, yes, there were "make uninstall" option available, so I was able to remove it successfully. Then I started all from the beginning, but logged in as root(though I believe it would work in my user too, with su). I kept all the output in the text files and was able to see afterwards(thanks to Randall) that there were no errors , and also didn't run make install, but instead, created an RPM for it using checkinstall. So now it works, perfectly, I could finally get Gaussian distribution for random numbers!

Thank you all very much, I guess that is the first time I install something properly ;) (as I think, of course, but at least it works!)

A----T   Sergey Mkrtchyan,
 C---G   Master Student,
  G-C    Department Of Molecular Physics,
 T---A   Faculty Of Physics, Yerevan State University
A----T   e-mail: mksergey[at]freenet[dot]am
G---C    web:
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