So the whole world must trust their data is safe from prying eyes of
Microsoft looking for bootleg copies and the NSA looking for terror
plots.  Looks like the Arabian Pennsula won't be buying Microsoft any
time soon.  Forget China they dumped billy boy back in 95 when the PIII
unique processor id chip scandal broke and there was a NSA related
discovery in M$ code which leaked out.

Could not happen to a more deserving tycoon.

On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 23:36 -0500, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> Government spooks helped Microsoft build Vista 
> "THE USA GOVERNMENT'S cryptologic organisation, the National Security Agency, 
> has admitted that it is behind some of the security changes to Microsoft's 
> operating system Vista.
> According to the Washington Post, the agency which was once so secret that it 
> was jokingly referred to as 'No such Agency' has admitted making 'unspecified 
> contributions' to Vista.
> Microsoft is not the only one to tap the spooks. Apple, with its Mac OSX 
> operating system, and Novell with its SUSE Linux also asked the NSA what it 
> thought of their products."
> -- 
> MickySoft, the ultimate corporate parasite.
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