
On Jan 16 19:58 Doug McGarrett wrote (shortened):
> Let us assume that I have a Windows machine connected to a Win Printer--
> a lowly Lazerjet that Linux doesn't particularly know or love.
> Can Linux print to this printer over a network connection,


> does Linux have to have some kind of driver for this printer?

Not only "some kind of driver" but actually "the right driver".

See for example:

It doesn't matter which kind of network protocol you use
(SMB, LPD, IPP, whatever) to transfer data from Linux to Windows.
The crucial point is that a usual Windows system (without additional
special software) cannot convert generic PostScript, PDF, JPEG, or
whatever stuff which is to be printed into printer specific data.

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/
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