On Wednesday, January 17, 2007 @ 8:26 PM, Sunny wrote:

>On 1/17/07, Greg Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Sounds like a good idea.  It's been a long time since I've worked in
>> than graphical mode.  I tried CTRL-ALT-PF2 and then tried to unmount the
>> partition but it says it's busy.  I've rarely worked in non-graphical
>> Can you suspend the graphical mode via some set of keys, unmount the file
>> system and do an fsck, or do you have to boot up in non-graphical mode to
>> begin with.  If the latter, how is that done.  I seem to recall there
>> a way to hit some key and enter a number to tell the system what level to
>> boot to, but I can't remember the details.

># su
># init 3

>This will switch to runlevel 3 w/o need to reboot.

>But, if the partition in case is the one, which is used for / , then
>this will not help.

>Boot with the install cd/dvd, and select maintenace mode or whatever
>it is called.

>This will boot from the install media, and will not mount the root
>filesystem. You will be able to fsck from there.

>Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

Well, I booted into Rescue mode from the installation media and ran e2fsck.
When I did, I got the following message --

Superblock last write time is in the future Fix(y)?

I said fix and it came back saying the volume was clean.  I then rebooted
normally and it still ran an fsck.  So, I went back and booted from the
rescue disk again, ran another e2fsck, and got that same message about the
superblock last write time being in the future.  I again fixed it, rebooted,
and it still runs an fsck.  Really strange.

Greg Wallace

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