Greg Wallace wrote:
> Switching to UTC caused the long running fscks to go away, so it seems to me
> that there was a direct correlation between the two.  
There was.
> I had never changed
> from local to utc or vice versa in the past, so something must have changed
> with 10.2 to cause this connection.  
It was the fact you had never checked /etc/localtime.rpmnew
> This is, of course, pure speculation,
> but it seems to fit with what was occurring.
AFAICT, your BIOS clock was set to localtime, your setting was set to
UTC, and when it boot the time stamp for the hard drive was in the
future as compared to the BIOS clock, causing it to be marked as
inconsistent and an fsck run to fix the inconsistency.  The problem
could have been avoided by dealing with your localtime file or setting
it to what your BIOS clock was set to in Yast.  You set your clock to
agree with your settings instead of vice versa, which also works.

PS Please learn to quote only the necessary parts of previous messages. 
They are much easier to read.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2 x86_64

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