Tom Miller wrote:
Joachim Schrod wrote:
Tom Miller wrote:
I am trying to get Firebird database server running on my computer.

If I try to connect to the server in local mode (doesn't use IP at all), it works fine.

If I then try to connect with IP locally using the connection is actively refused.

Are you sure that Firebird accepts IP connections at all?

What does
   lsof -c firebird | grep TCP
(I assume that the firebird daemon name starts with "firebird", otherwise you need a different -c argument.)


Nothing came back. It is actually listening through xinetd. My understanding is that nothing loads until the first connection is made.

Yes, that's right. I didn't know about usage of xinetd.

You might want to check that xinetd listens for a connection, with
    netstat -an | grep 3050
There must be a line that looks like
    tcp   0      0*     LISTEN
If not, something gone astray in xinetd connection and start.

If yes, do a
    telnet localhost 3050
and see if it outputs
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
(You close the connection with Ctr-] q.)

If that's OK, too, then you have a problem with the actual firebird inet server. It must accept requests on stdin and return the result on stdout. Then your most probable chance is to turn up logging and check the firebird logs carefully.

There is a config file for it

The xinetd config file is OK.
The TCP configuration of firebird is not of interest if you're using xinetd. Then firebird does no TCP/IP handling at all.

Good luck,


Joachim Schrod                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany

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