>>>>> "AK" == Anil Kalasa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AK> No it just works fine, with ls -ld command, only problem is when I use
AK> the command find.

AK> regarding file system everything else is wokring fine, only locate and
AK> find is not working.

AK> error as ...

AK> # find
AK> .
AK> ./lost+found
AK> find: ./etc: No such file or directory
AK> find: ./proc: No such file or directory

You mentioned that already; that doesn't help to identify your
problem. It's quite clear WHAT happens, but not WHY it happens.

That message appears when there is an entry in the directory list and
the inode of that entry could not be opened. The directory list only
contains the name and the inode number, so find knows that there
should something be there. But when the respective directory (e.g.,
/etc) shall be opened, the Linux filesystem returns ENOENT (no such
file or directory) since it doesn't find that inode.

As I wrote, that happens normally only with dangling symlinks or when
a file system is damaged.

And it's very strange that the lost+found directory could be opened,
but etc couldn't. So it's not a general problem with all directory

That's the reason why I asked for the output of ls -l / (actually, ls
-li / would be even better) and of stat /etc. Maybe one can get a clue
from that output. With the currently available information, the
probability of help for you is low.


PS: Please answer only to the list. I don't read opensuse by email and
I don't want that stuff in my inbox. I also won't react faster when
you stuff my inbox, that just makes me loose interest in your problem.

Joachim Schrod                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany
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