
I've been trying to configure a HP w19 monitor, but haven't been able to
make it perfect. The picture does not fill the screen horizontally, so
that I have black stripes on left and right edges.

I've tried to configure the monitor with sax2 and using XFine tool while
testing the server config I can indeed make the pigture pixel-perfect.
When I hit "Save", exit sax2 and restart the X, the tuning is lost. I also
manually edited the Modeline in xorg.conf to no avail.

The relevant parts of the file:

Section "Monitor"
  Option       "CalcAlgorithm" "XServerPool"
  DisplaySize  400 250
  HorizSync    30-83
  Identifier   "Monitor[0]"
  ModelName    "HP W19"
  Option       "DPMS"
  VendorName   "HWP"
  VertRefresh  50-75
  UseModes     "Modes[0]"

Section "Modes"
  Identifier   "Modes[0]"
  Modeline     "1440x900"  111.06  1440 1528 1680 1920  900 901 904 933 
-HSync +Vsync


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