On Sunday 28 January 2007 15:27, Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
> Peter Nikolic wrote:
> > What on Earth is all the noise and upset about a rather poor  audio codec
> > and file format   .. if you dont like MP3 then dont use MP3  .
> >
> > Ogg is far better  so is flac  both open both free both far far better ..
> >
> > Pete
> >
> > Flame proof gear in place  (including nomex undies)  so flame away  all
> > ye mp3'ies ...
> It doesn't matter which is better. It's a matter of availability. The
> vast majority of the content is not available in anything but MP3, or
> one of the other proprietary formats like Realplayer.
> Are you volunteering to convert all the content to OGG? Your sure a
> swell egg for doing that for the community.
> --
> (o:]>*HUGGLES*<[:o)
> Billie Walsh
> The three best words in the English Language:
> Pass them on!

Hi .

If i had the time  to do something like that then i would without  second 
thought  ,   I have as a matter of course re-recorded all of my audio in ogg 
and flacc formats depending on what they are   .

As for converting content in general there is more that enough processing 
power out there in the wild to carry out mas conversions in spare cycles on 
PC's left running   ( Linux systems of course)...

Pete .
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