Hello SUSE users,

I encrypted my laptop's hard disc using instructions from
Encrypted_Root_File_System_with_SUSE_HOWTO. (To be short, I now have
encrypted filesystems, and also a custom initrd image, which asks me for
before every boot. I created the initrd image using a pached mkinitrd

In my infinite stupidity, I decided that I need another kernel. I
downloaded kenel's rpm 
version, and it promptly overwrited my custom initrd image. Now, when I
boot my laptop, 
I am greeted with a message that my encrypted (cryptsetup-LUKS)
filesystem is 
unknown, and can't be mounted.

I tried to boot from CD using Knoppix, and execute mkinitrd from it, but
it failed as it can't 
find /etc/sysconfig/kernel (It's obvious that Knoppix does not have this
folder). I can 
mount my encrypted filesystems from Knoppix, so the question now is
which command 
line parameters should I give mkinitrd so that it correctly creates
initrd - finds my kernel  
and copies it to my boot (unencrypted) partition

I would really appreciate any ideas or suggestions!

Best regards,
  John Brown

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