If I try to boot Linux from the hard disk, it will
flash "Grub loading stage 1.5..." and then the screen
goes black and it just sits there.

What I meant by the two copies of stage2 was that
fresh from an install, I ran the command:

"md5sum /boot/grub/stage2 /usr/lib/grub/stage2" and it
came back with two different hashes.  I didn't think
that was supposed to be the case.

If I select "Windows" from the GRUB menu, XP comes up
just fine.  Linux, however, just sits.

It seems to be something similar to this:


But I don't know if it is exactly or not...

My menu.lst looks like this (for this email, I am not
including all the YAST-inserted comments):

default 0
timeout 8
gfxmenu (hd0,5)/boot/message

title openSUSE 10.2
        root  (hd0,5)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-34-default

title Windows
        rootnoverify (hd0,0)
        chainloader (hd0,0)+1

title Failsafe -- openSUSE 10.2

My device.map is fairly simple:

(hd0,0)    /dev/sda

My grub.conf says:

setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 (hd0) (hd0,5)

Again, any help is appreciated.     

--- "Joe Morris (NTM)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Christopher Dick wrote:
> > I recently installed SuSE 10.2 on a couple of
> machines
> > using SATA drives and they each seem to be
> exhibiting
> > a similar problem.
> >   
> Which are???
> > They won't boot unless I choose "Boot installed
> > system" from the CD.
> >   
> So you are booting from the cd/dvd?  Are you booting
> from the mbr of
> your HDs?  Is your BIOS pointing to the HD to boot
> from?
> > I did a check, and right from the get-go the two
> > copies of Stage2 are not the same.  MD5 comes up
> with
> > a different hash for each, though I was under the
> > impression that they were supposed to be the same.
> >   
> I believe they are specific for the system so that
> would be normal
> unless these are exactly the same hardware, etc., in
> both.
> > GRUB definitely loads, but just stops cold after
> the
> > Stage 1.5.  
> AFTER?  stage 1.5 is the stage it loads to read the
> file system to read
> the rest of its info.  This means it has to looking
> in the right place.
> > On the machine that also has Windows, the
> > WinXP install comes up just fine.  But Linux is
> dead.
> >   
> This makes no sense to me.  Does it start from grub?
>  If so, this has to
> be after stage 2.  Then the problem has to be in
> either your menu.lst or
> possibly your device.map.  We would need more
> specific info to
> troubleshoot your problem, hopefully info that is
> not conflicting with
> itself. ;-)
> -- 
> Joe Morris
> Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2
> x86_64
> -- 
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