On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 16:02:52 -0500, Tom Horsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> took time 
to say the following:

>On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:34:43 -0800
>"Charles R. Buchanan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Same amount of area being taken up.
>It isn't a question of the space taken up, its a question of
>what your eyes are already trained to ignore. Unexpected
>gibberish is harder to ignore than expected gibberish
>(like looking at a xorg.conf file for the first time - it
>takes weeks for you eyes to be able to focus again - I won't
>even talk about sendmail config files :-).

Never thought about it that way. I have (not being facetious) never gave
any of this much thought before because I have always concentrated on
the words that are there. I could care less on what's on the left margin.
That's my whole point.   I'm reading the replies to the quoted message,
thus the reply doesn't have any quote marks. After three replies, with
the previous two still in the message, the message is a mess anyway,
regardless of what's on the left margin. At that point I'm snipping
anyways.  I could very well sit here and moan and groan about bottom
posting. I know I'm outnumbered, but that has never stopped me from
giving my two cents, especially if you have a five mile long message,
and when you FINALLY get to the bottom of the message, you see the
infamous "I agree!" Or some other off the wall comment. 

That bugs the HECK out of me, but I play along. My contention is, if one
is paying attention to that thread in the first place, they have already
read what was in the message in the first place. So placement of
someones reply is a bit silly if you ask me.  So as I said before, top
posting, bottom posting, inline replies are fine with me. I'm a big boy,
it's not going to take any more effort to scroll either direction if I'm
interested in that thread in the first place. :-)

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels

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