Hi everyone,

      I am having a strange probelem that i am not able to sort out
myself. Please redirect me if i am posting this in a wrong forum. I
have installed OpenSuse 10.2 x86_64 version for which i downloaded the
DVD. All the installation went fine and i am able to connect to the
internet through konqueror. I am using an ADSL connection through
Hauwei router.

     The strange thing is that i am able to connect to google alone
from my firefox and no other links from there works. Also not able to
connect to any other website. I tried a ping on yahoo and it worked
well. Please somebody help me on this because i am an adict to firefox
and also my online update of suse also is not connecting to the
server. I tried a search on google but couldn't find any solution
related to this.

Thanks in advance,
Ramachandran m s
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