Dan wrote:

> Maybe i was not quite clear on what I did.  I already had java installed
> using yast.  But to get java working in firefox you need to add the
> plugin.  Those instructions allowed me to use java in the browser.  I
> could not access any java app in the browser without doing this.  Java
> itself is working fine and I now have java support in firefox.   I
> reverse my steps and the bouncing goes away, but then I have no java
> support in firefox.  If this is the wrong way of getting this support

The java plugins are normally part of the suse install. I'm thinking You must
have done some personal "customization" somehow. On all the suse systems I've
seen, the firefox plugins directory contains links to plugins located in

The plugins in /usr/lib/browser-plugins are all owned by various packages -
For instance, the java plugin is owned by "java-1_4_2-sun-plugin".

Do you not have "java-1_4_2-sun-plugin" or something similar installed?

Does rpm -V java-1_4_2-sun-plugin show any errors?

Does your firefox plugins directory contain symlinks to all the files in


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