> When selecting backup software look to how easy it is to recover
> ONE specific file and restore it to 1) its original location, and 2) an
> alternate new location.
> To do this any backup system must support some form of catalog or
> index and a means of quickly getting to the specific location in the
> backup to extract that file without having to wade through the entire
> tape/disk image to find it.
> So how does reoback handle that?

Reoback does not help with that very much, you're right. 
With reoback, you would have to know which day of the past week your desired 
file changed last or you need to do something like "tar -ztf  archive.tgz". 
But for me, this is sufficient.
It should also be quite simple to extend reoback to write some kind of 
logfile, where it captures the filenames of backed up files per archive - I'm 
not sure if this is already builtin and configurable...

David Mayr,  http://davey.de
openSUSE LINUX,  http://opensuse.de
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