On Monday 26 February 2007 00:15, J. Scott Thayer M.D. wrote:
> So, despite the fact that I got this package from an Opensuse repository
> and the package is likely the same in any OTHER Opensuse repository I
> should direct my questions elsewhere?

As far as I can see, ultrasol isn't included in 10.2, so I would think you got 
this from a third party packager. Most likely packman.

You should report bugs to the people who put together the package, otherwise 
there won't be a fixed version. The packagers are extremely unlikely to 
monitor mailing lists such as this one to find bugs in their packages.

> Do I have that right? And that would 
> assume I was already certain I was LOOKING at a bug.

Package didn't work => bug. This is by default, so yes, you can be certain it 
is a bug

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