On Sunday 25 February 2007, M Harris wrote:
> It seems on the
> surface that any user should be able to automatically mount or unmount a
> device... have access to all hardware ports, and be able to *suspend* or
> *hibernate* the system! In fact just the opposite is true.

Let me stop this pontification right there.

That MIGHT HAVE BEEN true at one time on a particular class of 
hardware - desktops or rack mount computers.  

It is painfully outmoded thinking for laptops - the only class of computers 
likely to ever be suspended.  Once the laptop utilities are installed it 
should be AUTOMATICALLY assumed the the person at the keyboard
has the authority to suspend the machine without reverting to root.

Any necessity to acquire root authority to suspend a laptop is 
a hold over from a bygone era.  

The rest of your rant is totally based on this misguided idea
so I won't bother a point by point analysis.  Suffice it to say that
when the person at the keyboard has to board the plane they
must suspend or power off the machine and it ought to work
as simply and as quickly as closing the cover, or clicking a button.

That works for me, without resorting to root.

John Andersen

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