Hans van der Merwe wrote:
> Thx, but the practical problem is this... we have two competent Windows
> centric IT people...  one IT manager who overdosed on the MS-Coolaid....
> we have an AD, 70 XPs (full house, Office etc),  MS-Portal, MS-Exchange,
> MS-SQL, BackupExec, MS-IIS, FullSiteLicense(TM).  To move just one of
> these over to something else will require another Linux IT person (we
> cant afford), IT manager wont let IT staff go on Linux course because we
> don't have Linux servers (catch-22).
> I'll admit, this is actually an valid issue.
> Now I want persuade management (who knows nothing about IT and assumes
> its always expensive) that we can move over some of these services to
> cheaper alternatives.

How are you actually going to make cost savings in this situation? If
you can show that replacing some component will save the business
substantial money, FUD will evaporate. If you can't, there's no hope :(

> IT manager has got all the FUD behind him - I need some anti-FUD info.

Cheers, Dave
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