M Harris wrote:
On Thursday 01 March 2007 12:13, Dennis J. Tuchler wrote:
My WiFi card works when I boot up, but does not continue to work
when I take the laptop while it is on and move to another room.
There are several things you can do... first (just covering the bases so please dont be offended) understand that the wifi is a radio link... wireless is a radio transceiver. When you stand up and walk (with the laptop) into another room your body can interfere with the signal in unpredictable and significant ways... depending on your distance from the router, whether your body is between the router and your laptop, and the physical position of the router in your house. Ok. 1) Try to mount the router (wireless hub) at a place in your house that is mostly central to the main locations you will working from--- a central hallway between the two room you most frequent might work. 2) Check the antenae on your router. If it has two, use them, but make sure they are extended and free from obstructions (metal) that might interfere with the radio signal. 3) You might want to try another card. The Netgear folks have really been able to significantly increase the range and speed of the cards/routers with recent wifi technology. 4) When you carry your laptop, do not hold the antenae area (or cover it with your hand) and carry the unit with the antenae positioned towards the router antenae.

Thanks for the response to my question. Your fourth suggestion, that the contact was broken when I interposed interference between the router and the card was sort of my suspicion too. I tried "ifup" to reestablish contact between the laptop/card and the router. It didn't work. This card is supposed to be supersensitive (so it is said on the Metrix web site) so that distance should not be an issue.

Best regards,

Dennis J. Tuchler
University City, Missouri 63130
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