On Saturday 03 March 2007, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Friday 2007-03-02 at 20:09 -0800, Kai Ponte wrote:
> > We just went into production at my current workspace with an
> > enterprise-scale application that took three programmers a little over a
> > year to code. The design and requirements took roughly four years. We're
> > actually on the ninth point-release since 1/2/07  (2.1.07 for those on
> > the right side of the Atlantic).
> Which leaves me without knowing for certain which month it is, the 2nd or
> the first... So, assuming it is February, why not "7-2-1"? Or the ISO
> format in my reply-leadin line above ;-) There is no doubt seeing
> "2007-03-02" which is the year and the month and the day.
> > Had we done the code in C++ or even ASM, it is possible we could have
> > either expanded the code or lessened it. I don't know at this time and it
> > is a mute point.  Writing in a 3GL such as C# allowed us to not worry
> > about memory management in the way we would have been forced to had we
> > writtin in a 2GL or - heaven forbid - assembler.
> I'm interested in this: can you expand, or point to a link? Maybe I'll
> have a look at the wikipedia.
> > The "bloat" to which many people refer often is a result of added
> > functionality. Let's face it - adding  a GUI with lots of dummy-proof
> > features - adds code and complexity.  I'm sure Vi has a lot less code
> > than does OpenOffice.
> I'll give an example, an old one.
> I don't remember which version of Turbo Pascal produced a minumum ~30 KiB
> exe, just to write a "hello world" in the screen. Then, they invented what
> they called "smart linking", and it went down to 2 or 4 KiB! The thing is
> that their linker was clever enough to remove all functions from the
> linked libraries not actually called in the program. The "Turbo C" version
> of the same vintage didn't have the same ability.
> --
> Cheers,
>        Carlos E. R.


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Pete .
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