On Tuesday 06 March 2007 10:47, peter nikolic wrote:
> Hi ..
> working away on my laptop   no problems at all (apart from the darn windows
> box on the next desk)   ,  I noticed an update showing for xsane so told it
> to carry on and update   it sits there for the best part of 2.5 hours
> checking dependencies   then the ZMD  icon changes to a red square saying
> ZMD not running and no matter what i tri i can not get  ZMD to come back to
> life   .
> What am i missing/not trying   to get it back up and running   rebooting
> the laptop has not solved the problem .
> If you need more info let me know what ..

try as root
rczmd stop
mv /var/lib/zmd/zmd.db /var/lib/zmd/zmd.db.bak (or something else)
rczmd restart

and wait.  I've also had to reboot (or drop to runlevel 1 and back) to get 
this to take. 

This has fixed several problem which crop up from time to time with zmd for me 
(although not yours specifically IIRC). If it doesn't work, it is always 

Good luck.

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