On Wednesday 07 March 2007 05:51, Stevens wrote:
> The help on this forum has been tremendous. I'll try it again, maybe
> someone knows why...
> I installed Suse 10.2 on an old P3/900 box that previously had 9.1 on it.
> Both / and /home partitions were reiser but I reformatted / as ext3 and
> kept /home unchanged. I expected a few configuration problems because
> of the new version, which I had, but there is some weird s.. stuff
> happening, too.

First of all, please choose better subjects for your mails. They should in 
some way reflect your question, to make it easier for people to find 
interesting mail threads

Secondly, between 9.1 and 10.2, suse changed user IDs. Before, a user got uid 
100 and up by default, in 10.2 he gets 1000 and up. So odds are your 
old /home is simply owned by the wrong user.

Simply log in as root and run

chmod -R <username>.users /home/<username>

and see if that helps

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