The doctor suggested me to use left arm as less as possible. I think
this is only possible if I can type single-handed.

After I read this article I decide to start to practice single hand
typing on standard keyboard:

Problem being I don't know if this is possible on Linux. Using this
typing technology, it require OS to make Space Bar work in the way like
"Shift". E.g. press "Shift" and "a" you get "A", press space bar and "a"
you get ";", the symmetrical opposite key of "a" on keyboard.

I tried to google around, it seems so far not so much Linux software
take this issue seriously yet (or at least simple google search is not
sufficient). I guess there might be a keyboard layout that can help me
do that: checking gnome keycode map list, there is no keyboard layout
for single-handed QWERTY.

Maybe this is simple? Maybe all I need is to tweak some configuration
file for X or Gnome? I don't know.

A lot of google search showed that alternative method is to use Dvorak
single-handed layout keyboard. That's not an easy option to me because I
type Chinese a lot and I already remembered key position. Switching from
QWERTY to an alternative layout is a big trouble for me, too much to
re-learn and re-practice. And, my arm is not permanently injured, I wish
to get back to dual-hand typing after several months. Holiday is not an
option for me too, I am running a company and under business pressure.

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