On Thursday 08 March 2007, jpff wrote:
> >>>>> "John" == John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  John> On Tuesday 06 March 2007, John ffitch wrote:
>  >> I was using my laptop (Suse10.2) and tried switching my microphone on
>  >> in alsamixer -- everything went quiet.  Now I have no sound other that
>  >> the beeps.  aplay says it is playing but silence.  Audacity says it is
>  >> playing and silence.
>  >> I have done the obvious -- nothing is muted in alsamnixer;
>  >> re-configured the sound card; rebooted the machien.  Powered it off,
>  >> waited and restarted -- and still silence.
>  >>
>  >> I was using the sound earlier in the day, and I NEED the sound to
>  >> teach my DSP class.  Any ideas of (a) what happened and more
>  >> importantly (b) how to restore sounds?
>  >>
>  >> Machine is ThinkPadX40
>  >>
>  >> ==John ffitch
>  John> I'm guessing its an intel sound chipset.   What a flaming
>  John> piece of crap that High Definition Audio is.
>  John> Start by yast, ripping out the sound system and putting it
>  John> back in piece by piece.
> Yes; done that.  reinstalled ALSA, sound card, etc
> Still silence
> ==John ffitch

Did you try  adding yourself to the group 'audio?'   That is how I  resolved a 
problem with similar symptoms a few days ago, right after a big YOU update. 
Add yourself to cdrom and video while you are at it.  
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