> This problem is not apparent when running on just the battery, the
> system boots up in less than a minute and kpowersave reports the cpu
> speed at 800 MHz.

>>Yes I recall you started the thread with that problems statement.
>>My prior reply was to someone who hijacked your thread to report
>>the exact opposite problem from the one you posted.

>>Yours is more than a little weird.  Have you looked at top to
>>see what is taking the resources?  

>>Is all your ram being seen when on battery as well as on mains?
>> (Worrying about the dread Sony Disease here - bad ram sockets).

>>I would cd to /proc/acpi/processor/CPU and start
>>catting some of the files in there, such as throttling, power, 
>>and see if anything is amiss.  It sounds like kpowersave may be
>>not be reporting things accurately if it is obviously slower.

Problem has disappeared since kernel update to latest version.

Thanks for your help guys.

John Andersen

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