On Wednesday 14 March 2007, Adam Williams wrote:
> Of course Dell is smart enough to realize that web polls are worth a
> pile of something warm and stinky.... but anything that will draw
> people to their site is worth doing.

Web polls, as are being conducted by Dell are worth quite a bit.

You were perhaps thinking they should ask the man in the street?

This isn't a political contest, its a request from a vendor for an
expression of interest of its customer base.  

> If you don't have a legitimate interest/intention in buying a Dell
> with Linux preloaded then you shouldn't vote in the survey;  a stuffed
> ballot box is obvious to anyone.  

This is pure nonsense.  Clearly you have an axe to grind with dell, and
you are perfectly willing to cut your own nose off with said axe just to
see if its sharp.

All linux users should vote at the dell site.
Doesn't matter who you prefer to buy from.  
Doesn't matter what you plan to run on your linux box.
Doesn't matter which distro you might like to see them offer.

What matters is all the linux users in the world can scream at
ATI and Nvidia and Broadcom and get absolutely nowhere.

But when Michael Dell gets the CEO of Broadcom on the phone
and says get rid of the binary blobs or we will take our multimillion
dollar contract to Ralink you can bet your bottom dollar they will
listen.  When ATI sees sales drop off because their goddamed
drivers crash and lock up and need end user recompiles you can
bet they will spend the extra 1 tenth of a cent to put some
storage on their chipset and store the video software in there
rather than having it loaded at boot up.

Dell has clout.  
So does HP.  

Turning up your nose and walking away the instant they show any signs of 
heeding the linux market is childish, short sighted, and self defeating.

Get over yourself.   Go vote for the community.

John Andersen

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