On Thursday 15 March 2007 06:48, John Andersen wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 March 2007, Anders Johansson wrote:
> > Just in case you're still interested, I'm doing this now, and I'm getting
> > a constant data rate of over 10MB/s (in real data, not bits over the
> > wire). This means a 100MB file transfers in 9 seconds, or 1024MB in 1
> > minute 34 seconds. All using scp
> I don't doubt that Anders, that performance is quite acceptable.
> My point was, that without testing a samba or nfs transfer
> you have no way of judging the load imposed by scp.

There is a substantial CPU load, to be sure. My 2GHz Celeron was at ~75% 
throughout the transfer. A slower CPU would have spiked, causing a slowdown 
in the transfer

> The OP did those tests, and his 35minute transfer with ssh
> dropped to 5 minutes.  He suspects a faulty ssh client,
> as do I, because that much difference it way out of line with
> what I would expect.

Could be. But I'd be interested in knowing what hardware is involved, and what 
the system load looked like during the transfer

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