
When I fire up YaST -> System -> Partitioner, there is a warning that pops up, 
essentially saying, among other things,

NEVER (my emphasis) partition disks that may in any way be in use (mounted, 
swap, etc) unless you know exactly what you are doing.

Let's pretend for a moment that this applies to me and I click Yes to 
continue.  I am curious about the "never" part of this.

In my situation, when I installed 10.2 I created primary swap and root 
partitions in sdc1 and sdc2.  I created an extended partion (sdc3) and 
put /home in a logical partition (sdc5).  I intentionally left unallocated 
space at the initial install.  I would now like to allocate this additional 
space (sdc6) and mount it at /local.

Is it safe to do this while the disk is mounted?

I would like to know because I have done this already (several times) :-) and 
it did not seem to cause any problems - except the last time.  The 
repartitioning worked, but /local was hosed (interpreted as a read-only file 
system and no changes could be made - even as root).  

I checked the disk and it turned out that sdc was failing SMART tests, and I 
have replaced it.  I have in the past tested the disks occassionally (and 
will now do so more regularly) and I do not recall this disk ever having 
failed the smart tests before this (but I am not sure about this).  

I'm guessing that there was a bad area on the disk, which wasn't accessed as 
it was in the unallocated space.  Allocating the space led to these problems 

I do not think that this was related to repartitioning the mounted disk, but I 
would like some confirmation if possible.  As I said, I've done this on other 
disks previously and have not noticed any problems.  Was I just lucky those 
other times (and doing something I shouldn't be doing) or was I unlucky this 

Any information will be appreciated.

(I am getting somewhat paranoid about this because this is the 4th hard drive 
I have had die on me in roughly the last 18 months. I don't know anyone else 
in that time who has had even one go bad.)

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