
El Jueves, 15 de Marzo de 2007, Adam Williams escribió:
> > > I create an LVM volume and mounted it as "/", but I would like to
> > > revert it to it's original partition, I tried it from reverting from
> > > the LVM gui, but it couldn't do it because "/" is mounted, is there any
> > > way to do this, I am thinking safe mode or starting from disk, but I am
> > > not sure how to do the reversion, any advice?
> >
> > I do't know how to solve this, but is a good practice to not mount / in
> > LVM,
> Nah,  all our systems have an LVM "/".  Works just fine.  Make a
> 100-250Mb /boot and LVM absolutely everything else.  I've had
> filesystems go fritz but I've never had LVM bomb out,  and LVM is your
> friend for recovering or changing systems.
> > put / on a ext3 partition and then mount /var, /usr /home /srv or
> > whatever you need on LVM, but don't mount /, it could give you problems
> > with corrupt LVM images
> And a corrupt /usr, /var, and /srv is fine?

You can boot on level 1 and try to fix the lvm.

Un Saludo.

Carlos Lorenzo Matés

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