On Friday March 16 2007 11:56, Carlos E. R. wrote:
Thanks to Carlos and Darryl. The space must be a slip odf my finger, its not 
in the old version. I'll remove it and see what happens.
> The Friday 2007-03-16 at 10:53 -0700, russbucket wrote:
> > Just installed the new kernel update. Grub was effected slightly. Had to
> > add failsafe.
> The old file was saved by the update, you can recover it complete.
> > Is the following correct? I copied the old menu.lst entry and
> > change the Kernel version. (line wrap caused by kmail).
> Instead of changing kernel version, use the "vmlinuz" and "initrd"
> symlinks. If you do, you don't have to touch your menu.lst ever again.
> > When I boot with it it still goes to the kde desktop. I thought it was
> > supposed to go to a console? Am I wrong?
> Why would it do that? Ah, the "3". I can't verify with the wrapping, but
> isn't there an extra space?
> --
> Cheers,
>        Carlos E. R.

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