On Wednesday 21 March 2007 10:07:36 pm John Summerfield wrote:
> > w00t! That doesn't mean that I can yet BUY the notebook with SUSE but at
> > least they mention it.
> Personably, I'm rather partial to Thinkpads;-) IBM has supported Linux on
> some Thinkpads for years, and I think the Chinese crew's following suit.

Okay, thanks to you, Joachim, James and M. I'll take a look. I'm not sure 
I "can" buy IBM, but I'll research them. (We have agreements with various 
vendors, and I'm not sure one of them is IBM.)

> I recently bought a used R40 2722-GDM (near the top of the R40s I think,
> with 1 1440x1050 low-gloss screen. I hate glossy screens, I thought they
> were a bad idea when IBM introduced them for the IBM PC (the CGA monitor),
> and I still think so. Also, while widescreens might be good for watching
> videos, that's not what I want to do.

Believe it or not, I need the widescreen for work. :P

Seriously, our app is written with at least 1280x1024 screens in mind. Almost 
everyone - except for about 50 people using the touch screens - has 24" LCD 
widescreen monitors. 

Here are screens in full resolution. They don't load on my current laptop.



Though we won't be watching movies - much - we will be utilizing widescreens. 

I *promise* not to load the full DVD version of Kaffeine/Xine on the 
systems. :P

> Reputedly the T series have better Linux compatibility. The only problems I
> have are Wireless (Atheros, requires third-party mostly OSS driver), and
> I'm not sure whether the modem works, though Google thinks it does.


Oh - I remember those!  Yeah.  Honestly, I haven't used one in over five 

Do they come faster than 300 baud these days? 

Can I put my cordless phone into the acoustic coupler?

> Toshiba actively supports Linux on its hardware too, but it's a little
> quieter about it.

Well, they must be! I hadn't even heard.

> One of the nicer things about the Thinkpads is their Ultrabay: one can
> hot-remove the Optical drive and replace it with something else, a battery,
> a second disk drive....
> Oh, _my_ R40 has the Ultranav thing, a "joystick" thing in the middle of
> the keyboard that one can lean on to move the mouse cursor plus three mouse
> buttons, all functioning under Linux. There's also the usual touchpad, with
> two buttons and scrolling and clicking gestures.

Ahh, the eraser. I had a DX/120 thinkpad way back when with the eraser. Very 
interesting. It was right before I got by blazingly fast P133 Fujitsu, on 
which I immediately loaded Mandrake. 

I just looked and they seem interesting - about $1000 less than a comparable 
HP. I wonder why. 

They do have one thing I was thinking of - a fingerprint reader. That might 
not be a bad idea. I wonder if there's a SUSE driver for such a thing.


I do not see a choice of loading anything but Wintendo. :(

I'll be sure and fire off an email right now...
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