On 2007-03-24 04:44, Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> <snip>
>> > In KDE, when I do Start->Leave I can only end session, not
>> shutdown, not
Don't know about this one.
>> > restart In K3B, I cannot write anything, is it does NOT recognizes my
>> > new DVD-RW.
Add the user to group "cdrom".
> <snip>
>> > Why simple utilities, such as ifconfig and traceroute require root
>> priviledges
>> > ?
>> >
>> > Or more correctly, they *do* run under normal user, but are not
>> > included on the normal user path by default. Why is that?
They are in /sbin/ which is not included in an ordinary user's path.
Make symlinks to them in ~/bin/, which should be in any user's path.
>> Some tools, like ping, permit root do things that they don't allow
>> normal
>> users.
> Very funny, but I disagree with this stance, and will fill a bug.
I don't know what root can do with ping that no one else can do, but I
can think of very valid reasons why an ordinary user should not be able
to do a lot of the things that ifconfig can do :-)

Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo. -- HG Wells

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