On Tuesday 27 March 2007 12:31:36 pm Reinhard Gimbel wrote:
> Hello Fred, hello community !
> Satoru Matsumoto wrote / schrieb:
> > Fred A. Miller wrote:
> >> Why hasn't SUSE finally gotten with the program and made OO 2.1 an
> >> upgrade install via Yast, Smart, etc.?
> >
> > You can find newest SUSE-custumized OOo packages under
> > http://software.opensuse.org/download/OpenOffice.org/ directory.
> > So, add appropriate(depends on your SUSE version) directory to your YaST
> > or Smart install source.
> In other words: There will be no automatic upgrade to a newer version
> (with advanced features) but bug fixes (updates) only.
> If you are looking for an upgrade of a certain software you always have
> to add other installation repositories beside the original installation
> repo.

Correct, but then, that was what I was "digging" at. This is wrong, IMHO. 
Newbies coming from MickySoft have NO idea about how to add a repository nor 
even why they should have to. Come to think of it........that's a good 
point. ;)


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If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

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