Hi :)

El Martes, 27 de Marzo de 2007 16:37, Mark Goldstein escribió:


> I'm out of ideas, sorry. Looks like it depends on authentication
> method used by your proxy.
> I understood that curl by default tries different methods. I do not
> need to specify any method, so in my case it is able to find the
> proper one. And you have to explicitly specify ntml. wget does not
> have any such option.

Thanks for your help :)

I guess I'm stuck. Well if anyone from SUSE/Novell is reading this thread ... 
this is the reason the company I work for has all it's servers running Red 
Hat. We don't have this issue with Red Hat.

Tomorrow I'll try with SLES 10 ... last opportunity to get SUSE/Novell in the 
company I work for ... It would be great help if someone from SUE/Novell 
could step up and lend me a helping hand ... might get them a new customer ;)

Now the thing is ... why curl accepts --proxy-ntlm option on the CLI but it 
doesn't accept it via .curlrc?

> BTW, when you get html file instead of rpm, did you check the size and
> contents of the file (sometimes I saw that resulting html file
> contained some error message instead of the actual file).

Oh they're RPMs ... just that the name gets changed to <whatever>.rpm.html. 
I'd have to rename all the RPMs back to .rpm. Yes I know, I can script that 
but I don't see the ponit in doing that when YOU/curl/.curlrc should be able 
to patch my system automatically.

Thanks once again :)

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