On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 08:44:26PM +0100, Peter Bradley wrote:
> Just to prove I'm not totally useless (almost totally, but not 
> entirely), I've fixed it.  See below.

Great :) Good to hear, on both counts. :)

> I still can't imagine how the application could cheerfully squirrel away 
> a syntax error without squawking.  I would have had serious words with 
> my team if they'd done that.  :)

That's a good question. Thankfully, our error handling here has improved
drastically in newer versions, so at least newer releases will squawk. :)

> Just in case, I actually looked in the manual that came with my SuSE 
> 10.0 boxed set - since I've advised people to RTFM enough times myself - 
> but I couldn't find any mention of AppArmor.  Bit of an oversight, don't 
> you think?  Especially with an application that takes it into its head 
> every now and then to start putting the barriers up for no good reason 
> that I can see.

10.0 was prepared hastily. :/ I believe the AppArmor Admin Guide was
only available as a PDF for 10.0.

> Still, as I say, an educational experience.
> Thanks for the help.  Honestly.  :)
> And yes, OK, if I'd just upgrade...  But it's taken me so long to get 
> this version set up as I want it, I just can't face the hassle.  Not for 
> a year or so, anyway.

Something I can completely understand. I detest losing a day to
reconfigure my software, recompile my local modifications, and try
to return to a working system with a bunch of software that no longer
functions as it used to.

But sometimes the changes are bugfixes :)

Any other problems with AppArmor, don't hesitate to yell.

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