Tim Donnelly schrieb:

> I tried Philippe's soulution and got no joy.
> To test the theory that it was a name resolution problem, I inserted a third 
> mount into the fstab file.  I placed this before /proddb and /prodobj.  The 
> first filesystem failed to mount, but the second and third worked as one 
> would expect.  I also changed the fstab entry for the first filesystem to 
> point to the IP address instead of the hostname.  No luck.
> In looking at the nfs start up script in /etc/init.d I noticed a comment 
> about it sometimes being helpful to mount NFS devices in the backgroup with 
> an & and a sleep time.  I modified the startup script as mentioned, but still 
> the first mount is "ignored" while subsequent mounts work fine.
> Google is not helping, does anyone else have any ideas?
> Thanks

I'm running a SUSE 10.2 server and had running SLES 10 server before.
When I've exported a file system like this:

/share  *(rw,root_squash,async,no_subtree_check)

there was no problem to mount it from any client, but
when exported it specific to one IP, IP range or subnet e.g. like this:


I couldn't mount it from
After that I've found a message in /var/log/warn of the server about
something like:

'Attempt to mount from Could not resolve the name via
reverse-dns. Attempt dismissed'

So I setup first the /etc/hosts with all my clients in, which helped!
Now I'm running a local dns for all my clients on the server.

This might help you or it might not. However check the logs on the SLES9


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