James D. Parra escribió:
> Hello,
> Installing subversion from source and I was able to find the Berkeley DB
> files needed to compile (loaded the development package from the DVD),
> however although Apache2 is installed (from the DVD) I can't locate the
> files. Any ideas on where I can find the apxs?

Good news:

newer Subversion is available in the buildservice for 9.3.

Bad news:

It does not compile with apr shipped with 9.3 anymore (too old). so you
will need to upgrade apr as well ( and probably apache, PHP and whaetevr
else you are using..so you might end upgrading more than you want ;P )

if you want to do this:

add the following sources to your package manager




Thank you for the info. Very useful.

Performed the upgrade, however the repository can't be browsed. I get the
following error trying to check out a file.

File not found: transaction '653-1', path

I can view the tree;

# svnlook tree /data/svnrepos |grep web

What might be happening and any clues on how to fix it?

Many thanks.

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