On Thursday 05 April 2007 16:45, bill biggs wrote:
> witch one is better kde or gnome ?
        witch --- black cat, pointy hat, warty nose, 
                curled toes, and straw broom frequent flyer miles 

        which -- for use sometimes within a interrogative

        Usually trolls ask this question in order to get a good flame war 
because its easy, requires little if any lighter fluid, and can be ignited 
with a wet stick....

        But since you asked, ---KDE is better [ end of story ].  And it didn't 
to be this way... it used to be a matter of personal preference and religion 
and the like... but the simple truth is that gnome has fallen seriously 
behind... it just doesn't even begin to provide the flexibility that I need 
(and get) from KDE. 

        I disagree with the post opinion of "try both and choose"... I'll try 
to save 
you the bother... start with KDE, stay with KDE, and learn KDE.  And, by the 
way, the openSUSE version of KDE is 'bout as good as it gets.

        Its the truth man...

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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