Kai Ponte wrote:
> It is a Dell Inspiron 600m 1.6GHz  Centrino with 1GB RAM. I bought it in 
> July '05 and have had only SUSE on it ever since - 9.3, 10.0, 10.1 being the 
> versions.
> I haven't added anything at all to the hardware, and have simply been keeping 
> my updates running through SMART.
> I ran memtest last night and it seemed to show some issues with some portion 
> of memory. However, I don't know what exactly it was showing me, just that 
> there are some red lines which I suppose I need to write down.

The easiest way to narrow the problem down is to remove memory modules
(if you have more than one) and retest with one module at a time.  When
you see the problem with a single module in place, try swapping it to
the other socket (if you have more than one) and retest to see if it's
the module or the socket.  I recently ran into a Dell laptop where one
of the RAM sockets was bad, which was not a problem I'd seen before.
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