Teilhard Knight wrote:
No, it seems the firmware is not in the distribution. I find these
in Berlios, where they provide the driver. Perhaps you are right and
it is
only intended for Fedora Core.

On my DVD is atmel-firmware-1.3-34.noarch.rpm.  i am running 10.2
x86_64.  Did you install from DVD or CD?  If CD, set up the odd and
non-oss sources, or just download and install.  That should get you going.

Thank you for your feedback. I already installed that package and finally I was able to configure my nic. Just after I did it I was able to try to go wireless making "ifup wlan0". But what I got in return was: "dhcp is already working on wlan0". Then I rebooted, I don't remember why, and the interface wlan0 was gone. Back to the Yast configuration and there was no remedy. Then I realized the driver was not loaded in the kernel. After loading it by hand (modprbe at76_usb), the interface appeared in iwconfig, but with no configuration. It doesn't matter how many times I repeat the configuration in Yast, "ifup wlan0" gives in return "interface wlan0 not configured". Yast wrote a file called "ifcfg-bus-usb" since first configuration. I'm a bit confused about the name. Any help by whom might read this will be appreciated.


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