On Monday 09 April 2007 13:50, David Brodbeck wrote:
> Tim Hanson wrote:
> >> I don't know, but if not, you could always burn to a CD-RW disk and then
> >> rip from it.  That's what I do with my iTunes downloads.
> >
> > How do you get from the download to the CD?  Is there specific software
> > that you use?  I've heard there is some Windows/Mac software, but that
> > Linux programs, or using wine to run the iTunes program, are mostly lame.
> I just burn it using iTunes, under Windows.  I realize this doesn't help
> if you have a Windows-free system, but if you have that you're probably
> not using iTunes anyway. ;)
> Isn't Rhapsody a subscription service, as opposed to a service where you
> actually buy music?  Or am I thinking of Napster?

Rhapsody has a subscription service, but they provide software (guess which 
OS) that allows one to "purchase" content, as long as one doesn't mind using 
Windows or a Mac and is okay with DRM content ( three subscribers at last 
count, I think).  There is an option to burn a CD, 

I have VMWare somewhere around here, which I used to run Windows 2000 at one 
point, but it fell into disuse.  With my clean install of 10.2 I haven't 
bothered to reinstall it.  I also have Crossover, which I use to run Quicken 
(which hastened the demise of my VMWare partition).  I'll poke around the 
Wine site to see if anyone has tried using the Rhapsody software.  I may get 
some hits.  The SanDisk is considered "Linux Friendly" since it can be put 
into a mode that turns it into a usb drive, allowing straight copies to it 
without software other than a file manager or the cp command.
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