On Wednesday 11 April 2007 17:04, Magiclouds Magicloud wrote:
> Dear all,
>     I want to make a custom pxelinux for our product....

If you don't know the answer to your question, I have some concerns about your 
ability to customise any of the three to any great extent.

pxelinux is a boot manager, it's loaded over the LAN using the built-in 
ability of many network cards (and particularly those built into recent 
motherboards), using DHCP to find an IP address, a server address and a file 
name. pxelinux then reads some more file and presents a menu, somewhat as 
grub does.

isolinux is from the same family as pxelinux, but boots directly from a CD. 
Other than that, it's very like pxelinux.

Neither is very useful for very long. Both are small programs, neither 
fulfills any role performed by the Linux kernel, but rather include amongst 
their capabilities the ability to load one amongst several Linux kernels.

The Linux kernel, of course, is the guts of any Linux distro: it includes 
drivers for all the hardware you have, routines to share use of system 
resources such as RAM, CPU, disk and so on. It used to be able to be booted 
directly by the BIOS - that might still be possible with 2.6 kernels - but 
the process is inflexible and rarely used.

btw Grub, with which you are more familiar, also is able to be used to boot 
Linux (and other operating systems) from CD - I just created a CD for that 
purpose a few minutes ago. Grub too, is a small program.

Perhaps you should explain in some detail what you want to do - too often, 
people ask how to do something (and people ask them) when they really should 
be outlining a problem and asking for suggestions on how to solve the 

> Thanks.


John Summerfield
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