David Brodbeck wrote:
> G.T.Smith wrote:
>> Actually the first thing I do is try to get pico working. Nice little
>> very basic editor, and I would agree with Doug and go a litlle further
>> and say IMHO vi is interesting for those with a masochistic
>> disposition:-)
> I don't like pico because there's no way to jump to the beginning or end
> of the file.  This may have been OK for editing email, which was its
> original purpose, but it's frustrating when you're working with
> configuration files.
Actually, I tend to use pico when I am dealing with modest text files
(e.g. fstab mtab ) where emacs would be overkill, for working with long
scripts, source files  and multiple files I would use other more
appropriate tools (i.e. emacs or eclipse). It is a case of 'horses for
couses' .  In disentangling a mauled setup pico gives just the
functionality required without the intellectual mugging that vi delivers.
fn:Graham T. Smith
n:Smith;Graham T.
adr:Barton upon Humber;;90 Bowmandale;;North Lincs.;DN18 5EA;UK
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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