Sorry, my smb.conf looks like this (pasted the wrong file):
                idmap backend = ad
                idmap gid = 1000-100000
                idmap uid = 1000-100000
                winbind uid = 16777216-33554431
                winbind gid = 16777216-33554431
                password server =
                realm = UMN.ORG.NP
                workgroup = HQ
                security = ADS
                template homedir = /home/%D/%U
                template shell = /bin/bash
                usershare allow guests = No
                winbind refresh tickets = yes
                winbind cache time = 3600
                workgroup = HQ
                winbind use default domain = yes
                winbind enum users = Yes
                winbind enum groups = Yes
                winbind nested groups = Yes
                winbind nss info = sfu
                winbind offline logon = Yes
                winbind use default domain = yes
                debuglevel = 4
                log level = 4


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