Since we are talking about TV tuners, I always wanted to ask someone more experienced. I have a Crypto TV tuner (specifically a PC-Radio Crypto III tuner), which I
do not know how to configure.

It is not listed in the TV-cards' list
(thorugh Yast's Hardware --->TV and Radio Card Setup)
neither can Yast autodetect it.

I understand it's not a common pci card (although it was a really good bargain), but i guess there is a way to enable and configure it. The company ( ) only offers support and drivers for MS Windows and does not mention anything about *nix environment.

I guess though it would be nice to have it working, since it is the biggest problem i have while migrating to OpenSuse.

PS: Any help or piece of advice would be usefull (but please be specific since I am not familiar with any kernel compiling issues)

 Vagionas S.Christos
: Network Operation System         :
: Electrical and Computer Engineer :
: Undergraduate Student            :
: Aristotle University             :
: Thessaloniki,  GReece            :
: Tel. No: +30 2310209173          :
: mobile : +30 6974046518          :

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