Peter Bradley wrote:

> Well, I managed to download mnenhy using Konq in the end.  It then
> installed in TB just fine and the Reply to List button became active. 
> But does it work?  No.
> Clicking the button has no effect.  Zilch.  Tried uninstalling and
> reinstalling Reply to List in case it was an order of installation
> thing.  Still the same.  And yes, I am using SuSE.
> Couldn't install enigmail as it apparently wants Thunderbird v2.0.
> So I'm giving up.  Apologies to those who might get unintentional
> off-list replies from me.

You state that you are using SUSE but you don't use SUSE's Thunderbird
since you wouldn't need to install enigmail as it's already preinstalled
in those builds. As stated often enough this extension doesn't work w/o
a modification to the thunderbird source code.

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