Doug McGarrett wrote:
> On Sunday 15 April 2007 00:20, Mike McMullin wrote:
>> On Sat, 2007-04-14 at 23:45 -0400, Doug McGarrett wrote:
>>> Obviously not here, but where can I get some help to set up
>>> Win XP SP2, which looks nothing like my old SP1 that crashed
>>> and burned without any backup.  My first impression: I hate it!
>>> But I need a few things that Windows does.  (If Borders has a
>>> nice manual, not $40, I'll just go buy it. My cheapie edition comes
>>> with extremely minimum info.)
>>   Create a suitable partition for it, and install it to there.  I've
>> installed XP-SP2 three times on Linux also systems and it went smoothly
>> if not over-long.
> I think you misunderstand me.  The XP-SP2 is on a non-Linux machine,
> and I need to know how to make it work like -SP1.  It seems to have insulated
> all normal functions from the user, and I only found the Command screen by
> accident.  I need to know how to put the net interface in--it seems to think
> we still use modems--and on, and on.  What a piece of crap!  But I need it.
> --doug
Apart from the obvious ... the M$ site.... just  google for XP forum or
XP SP2 and you will get a long list... , as far as I can remember there
are no top level functional differencse between SP1 and SP2, however
some oems  do tailor the menu structure ...  What is most likely
happening is that some options are not yet selected for display in your
menu or desktop , or using you are the default Fischer-Price
environment...(switch to classic)...
fn:Graham T. Smith
n:Smith;Graham T.
adr:Barton upon Humber;;90 Bowmandale;;North Lincs.;DN18 5EA;UK
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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