Carlos E. R. wrote:
> I enabled TLS:
>   smtp_use_tls = yes
> but that doesn't work:
> Apr 18 01:01:38 nimrodel postfix/qmgr[15755]: ADFEBB6EAD: removed
> Apr 18 01:01:38 nimrodel postfix/smtp[18419]: warning: connect to
> private/tlsmgr: Connection refused
> Apr 18 01:01:38 nimrodel postfix/smtp[18419]: warning: problem talking
> to server private/tlsmgr: Connection refused
> Apr 18 01:01:39 nimrodel postfix/smtp[18419]: warning: connect to
> private/tlsmgr: Connection refused
> Apr 18 01:01:39 nimrodel postfix/smtp[18419]: warning: problem talking
> to server private/tlsmgr: Connection refused
> Apr 18 01:01:39 nimrodel postfix/smtp[18419]: warning: no entropy for
> TLS key generation: disabling TLS support
I think you need to generate a certificate, which creates some necessary
files below /etc/postfix/ssl.  The certificate works for both client and
server by default.  Try out the etc/sysconfig Editor, fill out the
relevant ssl entries, and that will generate the necessary files and
certificate.  HTH.
Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2 x86_64

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